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Nifty legs in the tight shorts

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Our hunter came around this hottie and filmed her nifty legs in tight shorts from every angle!
Tags: sexy girl shorts, sexy shorts on chicks
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Text comments (3)

Regaul ( 9 years ago )
Regarding something On-Topic:The Camera phone was alayws a novelty till my blackberry 8320 came along: the ability to Take an embarrassing Photo and then Immediately hold that person's visage hostage via Facebook upload is a priceless negotiation tool. I mean, uploading is enough- but the addition of tagging and a caption all from the palm of my hand? Oh man.And my family has alayws had a very tenuous Family mission statement that has worked: Bad deeds on the part of the children result in grave Embarrassments around peer group via parentals (I get a bad grade, my father carts up a bunch of naked barbies from the basement during a party:  hey alex, I got your old toys here! , Hilarity ensues, etc ). A vicious cycle, but somehow I think I prefer it- besides, I have generally been one to come clean to my parents about anything, preferring to be open then closed. Ce La Vie.  And man, a placard a-la Bizarro superman would be amazing, and make a wonderful icebreaker, heh.
Hafis ( 10 years ago )
It's no  Heathers  or  After Hours,  but I liked  Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist  just the same (read the book if you want the R story and not the tidied-up PG-13 vesroin). Cera and Dennings work well together, although I hate that someone decided to make Dennings the  pretty ugly girl.  There is no universe in which she is not cuter than Alexis Dzienda.Could have lived without the Sisterhood of the Traveling Gum, though.
Rosalita ( 10 years ago )
The hair back then was ok, but I think you look beettr with black hair.Also I think you look much beettr now, in body and face.

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